Office of Career Services

Employer Services

Statesmen Connect and Recruitment/Interviewing Options

We offer a multi-tiered approach to acquaint our students with your organization and position(s). From large-scale career events, to individualized recruiting visits, to posting your positions in our online job portal (Statesmen Connect), Career Services is your link to the DSU student population.

There are several ways to recruit quality Delta State University students, as outlined below. If you are interested and/or have a question about any of these services, or have an idea for another way we might assist you, please contact our office and we will be happy to help! 662-846-4646 |

Statesmen Connect

  • Whether you are recruiting for a full- or part-time job and/or an internship, we encourage you to utilize our online portal, Statesmen Connect.  Serving as the centralized location for students seeking such opportunities, Statesmen Connect is typically the best way to get the most students’ and recent graduates’ eyes on any opportunity!

Career Fairs

  • DSU hosts several career fairs throughout the academic year. Each fair is tailored to a specific need: OkraWorks Part-Time Job Fair (part-time employment opportunities in greater Cleveland, MS area), Nurse Recruitment Day (Nursing opportunities only), Fall Career Fair (all jobs/internships), Spring Career Fair (all jobs/internships).  For more info about any of these events, please visit our Career Fairs page.

In-Classroom Visits

  • Spend time on campus visiting classes and faculty members in the major(s) your organization is interested in recruiting.
  • Speak to a variety of classes in 15-20 minute increments.

Field Visits

  • DSU students tour your facility and learn more about your company.

Student Information Booths

  • A booth is set up in a common area on campus, usually the Student Union or in the specific building where classes in that particular major are held. This provides you an opportunity to network and meet with students on a larger scale.

On-Campus Interviews

  • Conduct on-campus interviews with targeted students that are pre-screened based on your specific preferences.